We’re thrilled that you’re trying our gummies. Still, we only want you to use them properly, in the right dosage, and safely by never making them available to anyone under age 21 and never driving or operating machinery after taking them. They are not toys, not candies, and not something to be taken lightly without guidance on how much you should take.
We hope you enjoy our gummies no matter which blends you choose, and we hope you’ll be careful using them by FINDING YOUR OPTIMAL INITIAL DOSAGE at deltrium.com, and then storing them safely, out of reach from children or young adults.

1. NEVER store them in a candy dish and snack on them when hungry – No. Never, never, keep your gummies in a candy dish or out in the open where children can find them… and if it’s not already obvious, they’re not snacks. Never eat them carelessly.

2. NEVER give them out at Halloween to trick-or-treaters – Deltriumtm gummies are not candies. They taste great, coming in delicious fruit flavors, but that’s only so they taste good to adults.

3. NEVER wash them down with Jack Daniels, your favorite chardonnay, or any other alcohol. Once you’ve tried our gummies in the recommended optimal initial dose and know how they affect you, you may decide to drink some alcohol when you’ve also taken a gummy, but in the beginning, we don’t recommend it.

4. NEVER take a gummy and then drive your car (or ride your bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, skateboard, roller skates, ice skates, pogo stick… or anything close.) Just don’t do it. It’s dangerous. Cannabinoids are intoxicating and you should never use them before operating heavy machinery or even light machinery, for that matter.