Green = Cannabis is legal for medical and adult recreational use
Blue = Cannabis is legal for medical use
Yellow = Only low-THC, high-CBD products are legal
Gray = Products containing THC are illegal
When I saw the name, 'Dream', I was a bit skeptical but it turned out to be just that... a Dream. I love this product and I will try some of the others. I was lying in bed feeling good since I only take it at bedtime. I
I give it a BIG THUMBS UP.
The SOOTHE has been a very helpful with providing a numbing sensation that has been very helpful when my neck arthritis flairs up. The product is effective and predictable and I have been able to cut back my dosage a little lower than what is recommended with as favorable results. You can take Soothe in the middle of the night without impacting sleep. Looking forward to trying the other offerings.
This is such a great little apparatus! Allows me to easily divide my gummie into more bite-size pieces. Well done!
Great product! Really helps me sleep through the night!
Joyful is very accurately named because that is exactly how I feel about 30 min after consuming. 1/4 dose for me is pure functional bliss without feeling intoxicated . My stress and anxiety relieved with no groggy feeling just pure Joy!
Deltrium’s products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Use of products containing Delta-8 and/or Delta-9 THC can result in failing a drug test designed to identify THC. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding.
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